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Showing posts from July, 2018

Minimalist Dessert: Mock Chocolate Cheesecake

I called this a "minimalist dessert" because I served it up in the skin of that which it was made from - a nice, ripe avocado.  :)  I tweaked my avocado pudding recipe a little and found that when you eat it with a serving cottage cheese it can really sooth a cheesecake craving! Plus eating an avocado (...the fat in it...) tends to tame my cravings for several hours which is an added bonus. For the pudding - Carefully remove the avocado from the skin by cutting it in half, twisting it apart, squeezing a little to loosen it, then with a spoon, scoop it free. In a small food processor grind up 1 Ripe Avocado 1 Ripe Banana 2 TBS Cocoa 1/4 Cup Powdered Sugar A splash of water Serve by loading each skin 1/2 with cottage cheese and 1/2 with the pudding. The cottage cheese I use is 4% and has 110 calories per 1/2 cup.  The pudding has approximately 520 calories per recipe (enough for 4 avocado half-skins), each dessert in the picture below contains approximately